Materiały konferencji krajowych i międzynarodowych nie indeksowanych w ISI Web of Science i bazie Scopus

  1. Kopytek M., Okarma K.: A fast prediction of the OCR results based on binary image quality assessment methods, Progress in Polish Artificial Intelligence Research 5 - Proceedings of the 5th Polish Conference on Artificial Intelligence, PP-RAI'2024, Warszawa, str. 242-248
  2. Ieremeiev O., Lukin V., Okarma K., Egiazarian K.: Efficiency increasing of no-reference image quality assessment in UAV applications, Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Computer Modeling and Intelligent Systems CMIS'2023, Zaporoże, Ukraina (CEUR Workshop Proceedings vol. 3392, str. 246-260)
  3. Michalak H., Okarma K.:  A performance improvement of deep learning based binarization of degraded document images with the use of the voting approach, Proceedings of the 3rd Polish Conference on Artificial Intelligence, PP-RAI'2022, Gdynia
  4. Krupiński R., Lech P., Okarma K., Michalak H.: Application of GGD based preprocessing for region based binarization of degraded document images, Polskie Porozumienie na rzecz Sztucznej Inteligencji - Conference Proceedings PP-RAI'2019, Wrocław
  5. Okarma K.: Color video quality assessment for the spatio-temporal vector median filtering, 16. Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna „Zastosowania Komputerów w  Elektrotechnice”, ZKwE’2011, Poznań
  6. Okarma K., Dworak P.: Video based positioning of details in the numerically controlled machine tools. 6th International Conference on Mechatronic Systems and Materials, MSM’2010, Opole
  7. Okarma K.: Accelerated image quality estimation with the use of the Monte Carlo approach for various types of distortions, 15. Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna „Zastosowania Komputerów w Elektrotechnice”, ZKwE’2010, Poznań
  8. Okarma K.: Application of the modified HSV colour space for the adaptive filtration of the colour images, 14. Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna „Zastosowania Komputerów w  Elektrotechnice”, ZKwE’2009, Poznań
  9. Okarma K.: Optimisation of the 12-th order polynomial windows towards high sidelobes’ attenuation, 31st International Conference on Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Circuit Theory IC-SPETO’2008, Ustroń
  10. Okarma K., Lech P.: Fast method of image quality estimation for lossy video transmission and compression based on Monte Carlo method and modern quality metrics, 31st International Conference on Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Circuit Theory IC-SPETO’2008, Ustroń
  11. Okarma K.: Application of modern image quality metrics for evaluation of Distance Directional Filter, 31st International Conference on Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Circuit Theory IC-SPETO’2008, Ustroń
  12. Okarma K.: Application of polynomial windows in digital image quality assessment using Structural Similarity index, 13. Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna „Zastosowania Komputerów w Elektrotechnice”, ZKwE’2008, Poznań
  13. Okarma K.: Colour image quality assessment by transform-based measures using perceptually uniform colour spaces, 13. Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna „Zastosowania Komputerów w Elektrotechnice”, ZKwE’2008, Poznań
  14. Okarma K.: Digital realization of constructed polynomial windows, 30th International Conference on Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Circuit Theory IC-SPETO’2007, Ustroń
  15. Okarma K.: Application of various color spaces in modern digital image quality assessment methods, 30th International Conference on Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Circuit Theory IC-SPETO’2007, Ustroń
  16. Mazurek P., Okarma K.: Precise markers' spatial position estimation using image based algorithm for multisensor multitarget motion-capture and motion-tracking systems, 30th International Conference on Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Circuit Theory IC-SPETO’2007, Ustroń
  17. Okarma K.: On the sensitivity of Structural Similarity index on the window function and the stability constants, 14th International Multi-Conference on Advanced Computer Systems ACS’2007, Międzyzdroje (Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, vol. 16 no. 5B str. 98-102)
  18. Lech P., Okarma K.: Fast algorithm of preliminary image analysis based on Monte Carlo method for real-time object recognition systems, 14th International Multi-Conference on Advanced Computer Systems ACS’2007, Międzyzdroje (Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, vol. 16 no. 5B str. 265-268)
  19. Lech P., Okarma K.: Reduction of visualisation errors caused by changing light conditions for low bitrate video transmission over the FTP Based on Monte Carlo Motion Detection Method, 14th International Multi-Conference on Advanced Computer Systems ACS’2007, Międzyzdroje (Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, vol. 16 no. 5B str. 207-211)
  20. Lech P., Okarma K.: Adaptive algorithm for low bitrate video transmission based on Monte Carlo motion detection method, 12th IEEE International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics MMAR’2006, Międzyzdroje
  21. Okarma K.: Application of various colour spaces for image processing using median filters, 29th International Conference on Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Circuit Theory IC-SPETO’2006, Ustroń
  22. Okarma K.: Application of constructed multi-segment polynomial windows for reduction of Gibbs phenomenon and power spectrum estimation, 29th International Conference on Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Circuit Theory IC-SPETO’2006, Ustroń
  23. Okarma K., Mazurek P.: Car type recognition based on wheels’ configurations using image processing approach, X Międzynarodowa Konferencja „Komputerowe Systemy Wspomagania Nauki, Przemysłu i Transportu” TransComp’2006, Zakopane
  24. Mazurek P., Okarma K.: Car-by-light tracking approach based on log-likelihood track-before-detect algorithm, X Międzynarodowa Konferencja „Komputerowe Systemy Wspomagania Nauki, Przemysłu i Transportu” TransComp’2006, Zakopane
  25. Lech P., Okarma K.: Recurrent algorithm of moving objects' edge detection on 2-D scene, 29th International Conference on Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Circuit Theory IC-SPETO’2006, Ustroń
  26. Okarma K.: Quality measurement of colour images using Modified Universal Image Quality Index, 28th International Conference on Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Circuit Theory IC-SPETO’2005, Ustroń
  27. Okarma K., Lech P.: Fast algorithm for motion detection and estimation of its parameters, 11th IEEE International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics MMAR’2005, Międzyzdroje
  28. Okarma K.: Constructed multi-segment windows in digital signal processing, 28th International Conference on Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Circuit Theory IC-SPETO’2005, Ustroń
  29. Okarma K.: Adaptive weighted median filtering of colour images, 10. Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna „Zastosowania Komputerów w Elektrotechnice”, ZKwE’2005, Poznań
  30. Okarma K.: Using constructed polynomial windows with only even exponents for elimination of Gibbs phenomenon and power spectrum estimation, 10. Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna „Zastosowania Komputerów w Elektrotechnice”, ZKwE’2005, Poznań
  31. Okarma K., Lech P.: Application of vector median filters using conditional ordering in various colour spaces, 11th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing IWSSIP’04 Poznań
  32. Lech P., Okarma K.: Fast motion detection algorithm for digital image processing systems, 11th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing IWSSIP’04 Poznań
  33. Okarma K., Włodarski P.: Constructed windows using polynomials with only even exponents, 27th International Conference on Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Circuit Theory IC-SPETO’2004, Niedzica
  34. Lech P., Okarma K.: A fast algorithm of detection of large area changes in high resolution binary images, 27th International Conference on Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Circuit Theory IC-SPETO’2004, Niedzica
  35. Włodarski P., Okarma K.: Aproximation of network traffic based on FARIMA models, 27th International Conference on Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Circuit Theory IC-SPETO’2004, Niedzica
  36. Okarma K.: Median filtering of colour images in various colour spaces, 9. Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna „Zastosowania Komputerów w Elektrotechnice”, ZKwE’2004, Poznań/Kiekrz
  37. Okarma K., Włodarski P.: Discrete spline windows, 9. Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna „Zastosowania Komputerów w Elektrotechnice”, ZKwE’2004, Poznań/Kiekrz
  38. Okarma K., Pęksiński J.: Technika dopasowania położenia dwóch obrazów w procesie uczenia sieci neuronowej, 9. Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna „Zastosowania Komputerów w Elektrotechnice”, ZKwE’2004, Poznań/Kiekrz
  39. Włodarski P., Okarma K.: Computer network traffic simulation based on RMD method, 9. Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna „Zastosowania Komputerów w Elektrotechnice”, ZKwE’2004, Poznań/Kiekrz
  40. Okarma K.: Methods for reducing the computational complexity of polynomial windows, 10th International Multi-Conference on Advanced Computer Systems ACS’2003, Międzyzdroje
  41. Okarma K.: Elimination of Gibbs phenomenon using modified polynomial windows, 26th International Conference on Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Circuit Theory IC-SPETO’2003, Niedzica
  42. Okarma K.: Power spectrum estimation using modified polynomial windows, 8. Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna „Zastosowania Komputerów w Elektrotechnice”, ZKwE’2003, Poznań/Kiekrz
  43. Okarma K.: Discrete realization of polynomial windows, 8. Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna „Zastosowania Komputerów w Elektrotechnice”, ZKwE’2003, Poznań/Kiekrz
  44. Okarma K.: Optimization of the spline windows based on low order polynomials with the energetic criterion, International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems ICSES’2002Świeradów Zdrój
  45. Okarma K.: Spline windows – an alternative technique for minimalization of energetic criterion, 7. Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna „Zastosowania Komputerów w Elektrotechnice”, ZKwE’2002, Poznań/Kiekrz
  46. Purczyński J., Okarma K.: Numerical realization of discrete time windows, 7. Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna „Zastosowania Komputerów w Elektrotechnice”, ZKwE’2002, Poznań/Kiekrz
  47. Okarma K.: Resizing the fragments of X-ray images using spectral methods based on Fourier transform, 5th International conference "Unconventional Electromechanical and Electrical Systems" UEES'01, Międzyzdroje
  48. Okarma K.: The application of approximation of time windows using polynomial windows with zero-coefficients in the terms with odd exponents for the realisation of Blackman and Kaiser windows, 6. Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna „Zastosowania Komputerów w Elektrotechnice”, ZKwE’2001, Poznań/Kiekrz
  49. Purczyński J., Okarma K.: An approximation of Hann and Hamming windows using polynomial windows with zero-coefficients in the terms with odd exponents, 6. Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna „Zastosowania Komputerów w Elektrotechnice”, ZKwE’2001, Poznań/Kiekrz
  50. Okarma K.: Zmodyfikowana metoda wyznaczania obwiedni charakterystyk amplitudowych wybranych okien czasowych, 5. Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna „Zastosowania Komputerów w Elektrotechnice”, ZKwE’2000, Poznań/Kiekrz
  51. Purczyński J., Okarma K.: Realizacja okien czasowych Hanna i Hamminga przy użyciu okien wielomianowych, 5. Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna „Zastosowania Komputerów w Elektrotechnice”, ZKwE’2000, Poznań/Kiekrz