Monographs and book chapters

  1. Kopytek M., Okarma K.: Objective hybrid quality assessment of binary images with the use of shallow neural networks. In: "Progress in Polish Artificial Intelligence Research 4", pp. 43-48, Series: Monografie Politechniki Łódzkiej No. 2437, Lodz University of Technology Press, 2023.
  2. Purczyński J., Mazurek P., Okarma K.: Selected issues of image analysis and motion tracking in Intelligent Transportation Systems (Wybrane zagadnienia analizy obrazów i śledzenia ruchu w Inteligentnych Systemach Transportowych). Monograph. WSTE in Szczecin, 2012 (in Polish)
  3. Okarma K., Lech P.: Statistical video based control of mobile robots. In: “Recent Advances in Mobile Robotics”, pp. 349-364, InTech, 2011
  4. Mazurek P., Okarma K.: Application of Jump Diffusion Markov Chain Monte Carlo method for initialisation of vehicles' motion tracking algorithms, In: “Computer Systems Aided Science and Engineering Work in Transport, Mechanics and Electrical Engineering”, pp. 407-412, Technical University of Radom, 2008
  5. Okarma K., Mazurek P.: Improved register plate recognition method using multiple camera's image fusion, In: Computer Systems Aided Science and Engineering Work in Transport, Mechanics and Electrical Engineering”, pp. 453-458, Technical University of Radom, 2008
  6. Mazurek P., Okarma K.: Application of super-resolution imaging for vehicle tracking purposes, In: “Computer Systems Aided Science and Engineering Work in Transport, Mechanics and Electrical Engineering”, pp. 413-418, Technical University of Radom, 2008

Publication in other foreign journals

  1. Ieremeiev O., Lukin V., Okarma K.: Combined visual quality metric of remote sensing images based on neural network (Комбінована метрика візуальної якості зображень дистанційного зондування на основі нейронної мережі). Radioelectronic and Computer Systems (Радіоелектронні і комп’ютерні системи), no. 4(96), pp. 4-15, 2020 (in Ukrainian)
  2. Okarma K., Mazurek P.: Initialisation of optical car tracking systems using video data analysis. Machines-Technologies-Materials, issue 6-7, pp. 62-65, 2008
  3. Mazurek P., Okarma K.: Application of Hue-Saturation colour model to the reduction of vehicle’s tracking errors. Machines-Technologies-Materials, issue 6-7, pp. 66-69, 2008
  4. Okarma K., Mazurek P.: Using time windows for machines' fault detection based on power spectrum estimation. Machines-Technologies-Materials, issue 2-3, pp. 158-161, 2007
  5. Mazurek P., Okarma K.: Likelihood ratio Track-Before-Detect algorithm for machine state estimation using classification methods based on low SNR vibroacoustic analysis. Machines-Technologies-Materials, issue 2-3, pp. 47-50, 2007
  6. Okarma K., Mazurek P.: Optimization of the camera triggering for the superresolution-based optical register plates recognition. Machinebuilding and Electrical Engineering, no. 7-8, pp. 15-18, 2006
  7. Okarma K., Mazurek P.: Background estimation algorithm for optical car tracking applications. Machinebuilding and Electrical Engineering, no. 7-8, pp. 7-10, 2006
  8. Mazurek P., Okarma K.: Method of removing shadows for optical car tracking and recognition systems. Machinebuilding and Electrical Engineering, no. 7-8, pp. 19-22, 2006
  9. Mazurek P., Okarma K.: Resolution enhancement method for limited camera’s field of view car recognition systems. Machinebuilding and Electrical Engineering, no. 7-8, pp. 11-14, 2006

Articles in other domestic journals

  1. Graf K., Lech P., Okarma K.: Analysis of the binarization method’s influence on detection and shape estimation of road surface defects (Analiza wpływu metod binaryzacji obrazu na detekcję i estymację kształtów ubytków nawierzchni drogi). Logistyka (Logistics), no. 4, pp. 3527-3535 (CD no. 2), 2015 (in Polish)
  2. Lech P., Okarma K.: Recognition of traffic signs in the presence of noise using the fast Monte Carlo method (Rozpoznawanie znaków drogowych w obecności szumu z zastosowaniem szybkiej metody Monte Carlo). Logistyka (Logistics), no. 4, pp. 4429-4436 (CD no. 2), 2015 (in Polish)
  3. Okarma K., Lech P.: Robust recognition of QR codes on products‘ packages (Odporne rozpoznawanie kodów QR na opakowaniach produktów). Logistyka (Logistics),no. 4, pp. 5089-5095 (CD no. 2), 2015 (in Polish)
  4. Surażyńska A., Lech P., Okarma K.: Video based detection of binary codes on packages for automatic localization of products (Wizyjna detekcja kodów binarnych na opakowaniach na potrzeby automatycznej lokalizacji produktów)Logistyka (Logistics), no. 4, pp. 5871-5878 (CD no. 2), 2015 (in Polish)
  5. Mazurek P., Okarma K.: Optimisation of the alternative technique of register plates image acquisition for Intelligent Transportation Systems (Optymalizacja alternatywnej techniki rejestracji obrazu tablic rejestracyjnych dla Inteligentnych Systemów Transportowych). Drogi – lądowe-powietrzne-wodne (Routes – roads-airways-waterways), nr 2, pp. 35-41, 2011 (in Polish)
  6. Lech P., Okarma K.: Counting the vehicles using the probabilistic image processing methods (Zliczanie pojazdów probabilistycznymi metodami przetwarzania obrazów). Drogi – lądowe-powietrzne-wodne (Routes – roads-airways-waterways), no. 1, pp. 65-68, 2011 (in Polish)
  7. Okarma K., Mazurek P.: Vehicles’ detection algorithms in Intelligent Transportation Systems utilising Jump Diffusion Markov Chain Monte Carlo method for colour images (Algorytmy detekcji pojazdów w Inteligentnych Systemach Transportowych z wykorzystaniem metody Jump Diffusion Markov Chain Monte Carlo dla obrazów kolorowych). Drogi – lądowe-powietrzne-wodne (Routes – roads-airways-waterways), no. 6, pp. 28-37, 2009 (in Polish)
  8. Okarma K., Mazurek P.: Super-resolution technology in the vehicles’ register plates identification systems (Techniki super rozdzielczości w systemach identyfikacji tablic rejestracyjnych pojazdów). Drogi – lądowe-powietrzne-wodne (Routes – roads-airways-waterways), no. 4, pp. 62-73, 2009 (in Polish)