Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie
Membership in scientific boards of international journals:
Membership in international and domestic organizations:
- Council of the National Science Centre (NCN) - from 15.12.2024 to 14.12.2028
- The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) - since 2023 (since 2024 Senior Member)
- The Scientifiic Council of the National Information Processing Institute (OPI) - 2024-2028 term
- The Committee of Automatic Control and Robotics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS) - since 2024
- The Commission of Computer Science and Automatic Control of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS) Poznań Branch - since 2015 (since 2019 as a vice-chairman)
- Association for Image Processing - since 2010 (since 2016 as a member of the Control Board, since 2018 as a chairman of the Control Board) - Polish Member Society of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR)
- Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Electrical Engineering, Szczecin Branch - since 2017
Membership in scientific committees of international conferences (foreign):
- IADIS International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualisation, Computer Vision and Image Processing CGVCVIP (Budapest, Hungary - 2024; Porto, Portugal - 2023; Lisbon, Portugal - 2022; online - 2021; Zagreb, Croatia - 2020; Porto, Portugal - 2019; Madrid, Spain - 2018; Lisbon, Portugal - 2017; Madeira, Portugal - 2016; Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain - 2015; Lisbon, Portugal - 2014; Prague, Czechia - 2013; Lisbon, Portugal - 2012; Rome, Italy - 2011; Freiburg, Germany - 2010)
- International Conference ELECTRONICS (Palanga, Lithuania) - since 2013
- International Conference on Pervasive Patterns and Applications PATTERNS (Venice, Italy - 2019; Barcelona, Spain - 2018) - Technical Program Commitee + Industry/Research Advisory Committee
- International Conference on Pervasive Patterns and Applications PATTERNS (Valencia, Spain - 2025; Venice, Italy - 2024; Nice, France - 2023; Barcelona, Spain - 2022; Porto, Portugal - 2021; Nice, France - 2020; Athens, Greece - 2017; Rome, Italy - 2016; Nice, France - 2015; Venice, Italy - 2014; Valencia, Spain - 2013)
- International Conference on Advanced Communications and Computation INFOCOMP (Valencia, Spain - 2025; Venice, Italy - 2024; Nice, France - 2023; Porto, Portugal - 2022; Valencia, Spain - 2021; Rome, Italy - 2020; Nice, France - 2019; Barcelona, Spain - 2018; Venice, Italy - 2017; Valencia, Spain - 2016; Brussels, Belgium - 2015; Paris, France - 2014)
- International Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems ADAPTIVE (Valencia, Spain - 2025; Venice, Italy - 2024; Nice, France - 2023; Barcelona, Spain - 2022; Porto, Portugal - 2021; Nice, France - 2020)
- International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications INTELLI (Lisbon, Portugal - 2025; Athens, Greece - 2024; Barcelona, Spain - 2023; Venice, Italy - 2022; Nice, France - 2021; Porto, Portugal - 2020)
- Computer Science On-line Conference (CSOC) - since 2015
- Computational Methods in Systems and Software (CoMeSySo) - since 2017 (Program Committee Chair)
- Special Session on Intelligent Computer Vision Systems and Applications - ICVSA at the Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems - ACIIDS 2018 (Dong Hoi City, Vietnam - 2018; Kanazawa, Japan - 2017)
- 4th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Machine Vision and Graphics (AIMaViG’22) at the 17th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems FedCSIS 2022 (Sofia, Bulgaria)
- 16th International Symposium on Multimedia Applications and Processing (MMAP’23) at the 18th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems FedCSIS 2023 (Warsaw, Poland)
- International Interdisciplinary PhD Workshop IIPhDW (Lublin, Poland - 2022; Wismar, Germany - 2019; Świnoujście, Poland - 2018)
Membership in scientific committees of international conferences (organized in Poland):
- International Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics ICCVG (Warsaw) - since 2012
- International Conference on Computer Recognition Systems CORES (Polanica-Zdrój) - since 2017
- 22nd Polish Control Conference PCC 2026 (Poznań)
Membership in scientific committees of domestic conferences:
- 3rd Polish Conference on Artificial Intelligence PP-RAI 2022 (Gdynia)
- Scientific-Technical Conference "Innovative Materials and Technologies in Electrical Engineering" i-MITEL (Sulęcin) - since 2018, since 2022 vice-chairman of the scientific committee
- Scientific-Technical Conference "Transformers in Operation" (Ustka) - since 2021
- Scientific-Technical Conference "Switches in Operation" (Katowice) - since 2022